Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Normal Breathing is the key to Vital Health

Recently I just came across this site. I think its useful and has some points that contrary our old believes with facts, that "The more you breath, the less oxygen is provided to all vital organs"!
According to Prof. Buteyko, teacher of normal breathing, the balance of O2 and CO2 is the key to maintain long life health. Learning to breath less can even eliminate chronic disease such as fatique, asthma, heart disease, cancer and even AIDS or HIV.
To those breathing practitioners such as Yoga & Qi Gong lovers, please read this site before you go further. It shall give more information and you will be more cautious when engaging with these activities.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Next Post: "The Secret" by Rhonda Bryne - Stay tuned!

Watch out! The most powerful secret in the Universe will be revealed! The next post is some review and comments on the book written by Rhonda Bryne - "The Secret". Bookmark and stay tuned to this blog...

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Art of Living - Part of the secret revealed!

Thanks to my fellow colleague, who attended the "Art of Living's Breath of Life" programme, and had shared with me her few weeks experience practicing this philosophy. Often missed out in life when we want to feel relax, we are too busy to do it. Needless to say take a few days off to take up this programme? Impossible! Now here's an easy way, I hope. We all want our mind & body to be healthy, and we are too busy to folk out time to join the class. But we've heard how effective of this programme so we want try this out. Please check out the original website at http://www.artofliving.org/ for all the benefits of the "Art of Living".
The programme is a full 7 days intensive breath training, conducted by certified trainer of the "Art of Living". According to my colleague it took a great effort to learn how to breath better and the proper way is still provisioned by a trainer. But this article is written for the busy people like me, and for the sake of knowing more about the Art of Living.
Here's how it works. But forgive me for the brieft information because that's what I can get from her... 6-steps breathing techniques and 5 principles.
The techniques, step by step

1. Asana

2. Pranayama - ujjayi deep breath.

- Remeber the sequence 4,4,6,2. That means 4 seconds inhale, 4 seconds hold, 6 seconds exhale and then 2 second hold, end of cycle and start again.

- According to her with this techique you fully utilize your lung for maximum capacity to hold the breath, which in return refreshes your mind. But bare in mind for novices the early practice will cause slight dizziness and light-headedness.
3. Bhastrika breaths for 20 times and for 3 rounds.
4. Say "Om" for 3 times.
-Say as long as your breath last. This will help for better exhalation.
5. Home Kriya for 10 minutes.
- Do 20 deep fast breaths
- Followed by 40 semi-deep fast breaths
- Then by 40 small shallow fast breaths
- Finally complete this with 7-8 times of deep breaths (normal deep breaths)
6. Rest for 10 minutes and repeat step 1.
Remember to do this in highly ventilated area, in the morning and sit with legs below your thighs.
5 Principles
As you doing this, please do follow the below principles:
  1. Live in the present moment. No other thoughts than now.
  2. Opposite values are complementary.
  3. Don't see intention behind other mistakes
  4. Accept more as they are, accept situation as it is.
  5. To be advised (will consult my colleague again)
That's it. These are the simple steps toward health life. All of them initiate from the breath. To start a good healthy living you must breath better. And these exercises are the ways to condition your body to recognize the correct way to breath.
Some of the cancer practioner had even managed to stop the cancer from spreading with this technique after their cancer treatment. They practice this every day and feels better each time they do it.
For those who interested, please research more on this, or take up the class. That's the only way to learn the real Art of Living. Thanks for reading and hope you all well.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mindfulness - A true saviour of life

Dreaming is the foundation of your success. Its the cornerstone and power that assists towards your pinnacle. I'm not talking about daydreaming or pipe dream, but rather a fundamental for total awareness, 'MINDFULNESS'. Mindfulness is another word for total awareness. It has now became fundamentals of living in the modern day. It is the most practical method for treating inner chaos, stress and anxiety. Mindfulness derives from "Vipassana", India's ancient technique of meditation, meaning to see, to feel and to hear things as they really are. Mindfulness can be practiced anytime, anywhere regardless when you are walking, talking, listening to music, working or reading. The key of this technique is by devoting 100% of concerntration and feeling to the subject. Take an example, when you are walking, think of how you walk, you lifted your legs, affecting your knee joins; then pressure your foot on the ground, shakes the floor a little. Feel the energy flows while doing this, the feel of your muscle, tendons, the blood and Chi. As you do this, you'll beginning to feel that you now have a clearer mind, more relaxed body and muscles, smoother breath and increased alertness. You'll be more sensitive to sound and heat. Your mind can now think clearer and quicker. Your spine is upright, you are more productive and rejuvenated. Practice this everyday to enjoy the calmness and unleash the true spirit from the buried subconciousness. I've done this for quite some time, it really helps. So find yourself a way to start. You have nothing to lose, but aplenty of benefits and enjoyments.